A Poem from Carol Tomlinson

A poem for my future community of learners…

I am a child

I come to you, a teacher.

I bring a whisper.

Can you hear the poem in it?

Or will the noise of the day

Render me mute?

I am a child.

I come to you, a teacher.

Will you tell me what to think

Or show me how?

Will you teach me answers?

Or the symmetry of a question well composed?

I am child.

I come to you, a teacher.

Will learning be about things right

Or doing the right things?

A thing of joy

Or duty?

I am child.

I come to you, a teacher.

Which will matter most to you?

My soul

Or my grade?

I come to you, a teacher.

Can you teach me to chart my journey

Or must you use a standard measure

to place me always

In the shadow of others?

I am a child.

I come to you, a teacher.

Will I go away from you ascending my strengths?

Or hobbled by my weaknesses?

I am a child.

I come to you, a teacher.

I bring you all I am,

All I can become.

Do you understand the trust?

-Carol Ann Tomlison.

My commitment to my future learners: I will VALUE you, we will TRUST each other, and my classroom will be a place that you will LOVE TO LEARN! 🙂